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Delete Command (File Menu)

See also

Command Remarks

Removes files or projects from the repository, and marks them as deleted. Checked-out or pinned items cannot be deleted.

There are two levels of deletion in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted: Delete and Destroy Permanently.

After an item is deleted in Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted, it still exists in the repository and can be recovered or purged from Project Properties->Deleted Items Tab. Destroyed permanently items cannot be recovered.

If an item is shared across two projects, the Delete and Destroy Permanently commands will only remove the item from within the currently selected project.

Access Rights

You must have the Delete access right to use this command.

Dialog Box Items

Item List

The to-be-deleted item(s) is listed in a  list box under 'Are you sure you want to delete the following items?' text.

Destroy Permanently

When this option is enabled, clicking OK will remove the items from the repository permanently. Permanently destroyed  items cannot be recovered. This is the same as performing the Purge command on deleted items. You must have the Purge access right to enable this check box.


Deletes the item(s).


Cancels the Delete command and closes the dialog box.

Note: You can delete only one instance of an item with a given name in a given project.